22.00 22.00 22.0 USD
E. Species. Nov.- Leaflets emerge brushed light chocolate aging to glossy green w/ very narrow, long
prominently spiny leaves, Floriferous spikes of long spurred, light yellow flowers in spring. Height: 8”. Zones 5 to 9. Evergreen.
Stock Available
20.00 20.00 20.0 USD
Epimedium wushanense
Leaflets emerge bronze-red aging to glossy, shiny green with very long, narrow prominently spiny leaves; Wow! Long spured, pale yellow flowers in spring. Plant in partial sun to nearly full shade. 15” tall. Zones 5 to 9. Evergreen.
Stock Available
12.00 12.00 12.0 USD
E. grandiflorum -Spring foliage emerges dark purple, then lightens & expands to display bold 1/4” wide,
mahogany red edges. Very floriferous 10” tall stems covered w/ soft lavender sepals backing white petals w/ downward curving
spurs. Zones 4-9. Deciduous.
Stock Available
10.00 10.00 10.0 USD
E. x youngianum -Spring leaflets are banded w/ rims of maroon-red. Adorable, long spured dark lavender-pink flowers
w/ white tips & white backs.. Height: 12”. Deciduous.
Stock Available
10.00 10.00 10.0 USD
E. versicolor -New foliage of pinkish maroon mottled leaves that age to glossy dark green in summer.
Soft pastel flowers have pink inner sepals with rose pink streaks & lemon yellow cups deepening to rose purple towards the spurs.
1st flush: 5”-6”. 2nd flush: 10” Zones 5-9. Drought tolerant. Semi-Evergreen.
Stock Available
19.00 19.00 19.0 USD
E. x - Dense mound of rounded leaves w/ bronze chocolate flecks in spring. Topped by many erect racemes
w/ lemon-yellow bells. Height 12” to 14”. Zones 5-9. Evergreen.
Stock Available
15.00 15.00 15.0 USD
E. x youngianum -Small spring leaflets are showered w/ red speckles topped w/ very floriferous medium sized
light yellow flowers w/ short pink sepals. Re-blooms atop secondary flush of flecked leaves in fall. Height: 8”. Zones 5-9. Semi-evergreen.
Stock Available
20.00 20.00 20.0 USD
Low growing, spreading mound of elongated, arrow shaped leaves mottled red in spring. Large lavender
mauve long spurs w/ white sepals. Plant in partial sun to nearly full shade. Height: 4”-6”. Zones 6-9. Evergreen.
Stock Available
16.00 16.00 16.0 USD
E. grandiflorum- 1st flush of small leaflets are numerous @ about 7” tall & edged w/ purple. 2nd flush of foliage
is approx 12” tall. Flowers are blue-lavender streaked in rose w/ angular white spurs streaked in lavender. Zones 4-9. Deciduous.
Stock Available
24.00 24.00 24.0 USD
Epimedium rubrum
Much improved E. rubrum with showy
large dark green foliage. In spring, the
new leaves are heavily flushed with red,
creating a stunning show. Clusters of
bright pink flowers with rose red sepals
above the foliage. Plant in partial sun to
full shade. About 16” tall. Zones 4-8.
Stock Available
12.00 12.00 12.0 USD
E. grandiflorum- Purple tinted foliage in spring topped by 8” large bi-colored lavender-pink & white flowers.
Then reblooms again w/ 16” tall flower stems. Very floriferous. Height: Approx. 16” tall. Zones 4-9. Deciduous.
Stock Available
18.00 18.00 18.0 USD
E. x youngianum -First flush of heart shaped leaves are purple, flushed with turqouise. Height: 8” Topped w/ silvery
lavender & soft lavender flowers. Stamens & spurs are the same length giving a double flower appearance. Second flush: 18”
to 20” tall. Zones 4-9. Deciduous.
Stock Available
45.00 45.00 45.0 USD
Epimedium grandiflorum
Known for it’s unusual flowers & larger growth for a grandiflorum. Flowers have Pink inner sepals & carmine pinks petals & cups. Plant in partial sun to nearly full shade. 1st flush Approx: 7”, 2nd flush 16” to 20”, Zones 4-9. Deciduous.
Stock Available
24.00 24.00 24.0 USD
E. Sp. Nov.- Leaflets emerge bronze red cast aging to glossy green w/ the most narrow, long hair like spines
zigzagging around the leaves. Vigorous grower. Profuse bloom of long spured, sulfur yellow flowers in spring. Size: 7”. Evergreen.
Stock Available
45.00 45.00 45.0 USD
E. Sp. Nov.- Large leaved, robust plant topped by 3-4 foot stems w/ up to several hundred large, spider-like, light
yellow flowers w/ amber inner sepals. Long bloom duration. Size: 12”x 30” Zones 5-9. Evergreen.
Stock Available
THUNDERBOLT - epimedium
10.00 10.00 10.0 USD
E. pinnatum ssp colchicum- Leaves turn dark black purple in autumn leaving a contrast of thunderbolt pattern
of green veins. Flowers are showy bright yellow inner sepals. Origin: Georgia Republic. Height 10”. Zones 5-9. Evergreen.
Stock Available
49.00 49.00 49.0 USD
E. Species.- Large, smooth, rounded, semi glossy leaves. Large panacles of numerous tiny white sepaled, yellow
petaled flowers, covered w/ striking blue-black outer sepals when in bud. Height: 15” to 18” . Zones 4-9. Evergreen.
Out of stock
18.00 18.00 18.0 USD
E. sempervirens- Spectacular swirling collage of white, salmon pink & light green w/ the white lasting well
into the season. White flowers w/ long spurs in spring. Height 8” tall. Zones 5-9. Semi-Evergreen.
Stock Available
15.00 15.00 15.0 USD
E. diphyllum-Leaflets are variously mottled; Some green w/ flecks of white, others white w/ flecks of green. Dainty
white flowers in spring. Height: Approx. 8” tall. Zones 5-9. Deciduous.
Stock Available
19.00 19.00 19.0 USD
Epimedium x versicolor
New foliage strongly flushed red aging to glossy dark green in summer. Drought tolerant once established Large panacle of flowers open deep, rich salmon color. Plant nearly full sun to nearly full shade. Height: 14” Zones 5-9. Semi-Evergreen.
Stock Available