17.00 17.00 17.0 USD
E. x youngianum- Distinctive shield shaped leaves covered in spring w/ a soft overlay of milky white purple
brown. Numerous white flowers top the foliage in spring. Height: 8” Zones 4-9. Semi-Evergreen.
Stock Available
18.00 18.00 18.0 USD
E. stellatum- Leaflets emerge bluish-grey aging to a rich green w/ long, narrow prominently spiny leaves
topped by a flurry of small star like white flowers w/ yellow centers held high above the leaves. 12” to 18” tall. Evergreen.
Stock Available
25.00 25.00 25.0 USD
Round, heart shaped leaves. Flowers w/ enormous lavender pink inner sepals. The petaloid structures reflex
back like huge rounded wings, arching above the downward curving spurs. Stoloniferous. Height: 4”-8”. Zones 5-9. Semi-Evergreen.
Out of stock
29.00 29.00 29.0 USD
First flush leaves emerge wavy edged maroon borders surrounding green centers. Long spurred mauve-pink flowers are accented with soft pink in spring. Plant in partial sun to full shade. About 12” tall, Zones 4-9. Deciduous.
Stock Available
13.00 13.00 13.0 USD
E. x setosum x E. sempervirens-violet- Medium-sized, spiny, lime green leaves are speckled w/ dark purple in spring.
abundant sprays of small light lavender flowers w/ tiny, curving spurs appear above foliage. Height: 7”. Semi- Evergreen.
Stock Available
9.00 9.00 9.0 USD
E. youngianum- 1st flush of leaves emerge an unusual two tone purplish-red topped w/ very floriferous, dusky violet
& white spurless flowers. Height: 8”-12”. Zones 5-9. Deciduous.
Stock Available
13.00 13.00 13.0 USD
E. x youngianum- First flush of leaves emerge about 6” tall w/ chocolate-purple leaves w/ tiny green flecks.
Floriforous, white spurred flowers. Plant in partial sun to full shade. Height 12”. Zones 5-9. Semi-Evergreen.
Stock Available
15.00 15.00 15.0 USD
E. x youngianum- First flush of heart shaped leaves emerge w/ a striking silver overlay aging to green later
in the season. Medium size white flowers w/ long spurs. 2nd flush: 12” tall. Zones 4-9. Semi-Evergreen.
Stock Available
29.00 29.00 29.0 USD
Epimedium grandiflorum
Leaves emerge muted red tones fringed with long white spines 6”-7” tall, later fading to rosy bands encircling light green centers with rose blush, 16” tall. Large intensely rose violet flowers with white outer edges. Plant in partial sun to full shade. Zones 4-8. Deciduous.
Out of stock
35.00 35.00 35.0 USD
Epimedium omeiense
Large sagittate, emerge with a pink flush & age to glossy dark green leaves. Maroon in fall. Stunning dark purple spurs with mauvy pink sepals. Plant in partial sun to light shade. Height: 12” to 15” Zones 5-9. Evergreen.
Out of stock
18.00 18.00 18.0 USD
Epimedium diphyllum
First flush of Leaflets are only 2”-4” tall covered with white bell shaped flowers in spring. Perfect for rock gardens, troughs or front borders. Plant in partial sun to nearly full shade. Height: 8” Zones 5-9. Semi-Evergreen.
Stock Available
35.00 35.00 35.0 USD
E. acuminatum -Long slender shaped leaflets are bronze & purple in spring. Arching flower stems
w/ sprays of large spurred dark purple inner sepals & white outer sepals. Height: 15” Zones 5-9. Evergreen.
Out of stock
16.00 16.00 16.0 USD
Epimedium youngianum~
Tight clump of purple tinted leaves in spring approx. 10” tall, topped with very floriforous white flowers. Plant in partial sun to nearly full shade. Height Approx 14”. Zones 5-9. Deciduous.
Stock Available
16.00 16.00 16.0 USD
Oval shaped, glacous leaves have red mottling in spring. Large white flowers w/ pale pink inner sepals. Height: 6”.
Semi-stoloniferous. Zones 5-9. Evergreen.
Stock Available
8.00 8.00 8.0 USD
E. sempervirens- A special selection from Honshu, Japan. Large white flowers w/ long spurs in Spring. A
nice spreading epimedium. Height: 6”-8”. Zones 5b-9. Semi-Evergreen.
Stock Available
18.00 18.00 18.0 USD
Epimedium warelyense~
Delicately divided, heart shaped
leaves blushed with red then maturing
to green topped by clusters of light
reddish orange flowers above the
foliage. Plant in partial sun to full
shade. 12”- 15” tall . Zones 5-9.

Stock Available
10.00 10.00 10.0 USD
Attractive heart shaped lightly spiny
leaves with reddish margins. New
foliage is bronze. Topped by dark
purple-red to rose-violet flowers in
spring. Plant in partial sun to nearly
full shade. Height: 10” to 18”. Zones 4-9.
Stock Available
16.00 16.00 16.0 USD
Low, creeping mound of small, round leaflets with spiny margins. Near white flowers w/ light lavender spurs.
Very drought tolerant once established & excellent ground cover. 4” to 6” tall. Zones 5-9. Evergreen.
Stock Available
15.00 15.00 15.0 USD
E. grandiflorum- First flush of bronze leaves are 7” tall followed after bloom by 15” tall bright green foliage.
Stunning & large, rich wine-purple flowers with prominent spurs tipped in white. Zones 4-9. Deciduous.
Stock Available
24.00 24.00 24.0 USD
E. leptorrhizum x E. pubescens- Mottled leaves in spring topped w/ heavily floriferous panicles of pink &
raspberry flowers w/ pink sepals capping the tops of each widely arched, yellow spurs. A stunning show! Height: 12”. Evergreen.
Stock Available