24.00 24.0 USD
E. x youngianum- First flush of elongated heart shaped leaves chocolate brown that morph to green w/
brownish red margins later aging to all green. Topped w/ a profusion of starry white flowers. 8” to 12” tall. Zones 4-9. Deciduous.
Stock Available
24.00 24.0 USD
Epimedium omeiense~
Large sagittate, glossy dark green leaves lightly
spotted with coppery red, age to dark green & then
maroon in fall. Spectacular dark cherry red inner
sepals with long bright orange & yellow spurs;
Re-bloomer. Plant in nearly full sun to nearly full
shade. Height: 14” - 18” Zones 5-9. Evergreen.
Stock Available
10.00 10.0 USD
E. x youngianum- First flush of heart shaped leaves emerge sunset red topped w/ light rose pink flowers on 7” stems.
The second flush of leaves are milky green, 9” to 15” tall. Zones 4-9. Deciduous.
Stock Available
18.00 18.0 USD
E. grandiflorum- Epimedium grandiflorum~ Small, crisp apple green leaflets topped by large, pure white flowers in spring.
1st flush: 6”. 2nd flush: 18”-20” Zones 5-9. Deciduous.
Stock Available
0.00 0.0 USD
E. grandiflorum var. coelestre~
Beautiful, small oval leaflets with thin rose bands. Large, outward facing flowers are luminous light yellow. Plant in partial sun to full shade. Height 6”. Zones 4-8. Deciduous.
Out of stock
22.00 22.0 USD
E. ‘Caramel’ x E. Flavum- Mottled red & bronze spiny leaves that age to green. Blooms in spring w/ a very high
number of large yellow flowers aging to orange above the foliage. Stunning display! 24” tall. Zones 5-9 Semi-Evergreen.
Stock Available
25.00 25.0 USD
E. grandiflorum forma flavescens
First flush of large leaflets are bronze purple on tall stems. Large light yellow flowers in spring beneath unfurling leaves. Plant in partial sun to full shade. Height: 15” to 24”. Zones 4-9. Deciduous.
Stock Available
12.00 12.0 USD
New, sagittate leaves are mottled reddish bronze in spring & topped with large white flowers with yellow centers. Plant in nearly full shade to nearly full sun. 12” tall. Zones 5-9. Evergreen.
17.00 17.0 USD
Leaves emerge mottled salmon pink in spring topped by tall, dense sprays of lavender pink flowers. Fall leaves
are attractive burnished red. 2nd flush: 18” tall, Zones 5-9. Drought Tolerant. Evergreen.
Stock Available
45.00 45.0 USD
Epimedium x
Heart shaped lightly toothed leaves are topped of flowers with ivory white spurs & centers & lavender pink sepals. Plant in partial sun to light shade. Height: 12” tall. Zones 5-9. Semi-Evergreen
Stock Available
22.00 22.0 USD
E. grandiflorum var. higoense- First flush of leaves emerge with a most striking “hand painted” 1/2” wide dark black-purple
border. Medium size creamy white flowers cover the clump in spring. Approx. 12” tall. Zones 4-9. Deciduous.
Stock Available
22.00 22.0 USD
E. youngianum- Very cute clump of small leaflets covered in spring w/ deep rose-pink inner sepals & white
petals flushed rose w/ short, white spurs. 1st flush: 5”-6”. 2nd flush: 10”. Zones 5-9. Deciduous.
Stock Available
18.00 18.0 USD
E. grandiflorum- Spring foliage has a rosy tint topped by floriforous sprays of reddish grape flowers w/
dark purple spurs. Good grower. Height 9”. Zones 4-9. Deciduous.
Stock Available
12.00 12.0 USD
E. youngianum- Showy clump of small leaflets topped w/ stunning, medium size double flowers are pale pink
suffused w/ dark rose pink & short, white spurs. First flush: 5”-6”. second flush: 10”. Deciduous.
Stock Available
25.00 25.0 USD
E. grandiflorum- Large heart shaped leaves blushed w/ red in spring. Flowers have hot pink spurs & raspberry
sepals. Height:14”. Zones 4-9. Deciduous.
Stock Available
20.00 20.0 USD
Epimedium pinnatum ssp Colchicum
Leaftlets turn dark black purple in autumn until new flush of bronzy green leaves in spring. Flowers are attractive reddish orange with yellow inner sepals. Plant in nearly full shade to nearly full sun. Height: 10”-12” Zones 5-9. Evergreen.
Stock Available
39.00 39.0 USD
E. shuichengense- Brilliant deep red new growth mottled w/ irregular green mottling. Floriforous, vibrant yellow flowers
w/ short spurs backed by small red inner sepals. 12” tall. Zones 5-9. Evergreen.
Stock Available
18.00 18.0 USD
Elongated heart shaped leaflets emerge mottled with rose-purple aging to dark green with a corrugated surface. Early blooming, huge lavender-pink flowers in spring. Plant in partial sun to nearly full shade. Height: 6” to 8”. Zones 5-9. Evergreen.
Stock Available
16.00 16.0 USD
Small, ovate shaped leaflets with new
leaves speckled with reddish purple,
topped by a flurry of small heart shaped
white flowers with a hint of yellow in
the centers reflexing back like a
dodecatheon. Plant in partial sun for
best affect. 8 to 10” tall. Zones 4 to 9.
Out of stock
16.00 16.0 USD
E. grandiflorum var. Violaceum- First flush of 8” tall leaflets are glossy mahogany-red like molten chocolate
topped by medium size lavender flowers in spring. 2nd flush: 12” tall. Zones 4-9. Deciduous.
Stock Available