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18.00 18.0 USD
E. x youngianum -First flush of heart shaped leaves are purple, flushed with turqouise. Height: 8” Topped w/ silvery
lavender & soft lavender flowers. Stamens & spurs are the same length giving a double flower appearance. Second flush: 18”
to 20” tall. Zones 4-9. Deciduous.
Stock Available
12.00 12.0 USD
E. grandiflorum- Purple tinted foliage in spring topped by 8” large bi-colored lavender-pink & white flowers.
Then reblooms again w/ 16” tall flower stems. Very floriferous. Height: Approx. 16” tall. Zones 4-9. Deciduous.
Stock Available
24.00 24.0 USD
Epimedium rubrum
Much improved E. rubrum with showy
large dark green foliage. In spring, the
new leaves are heavily flushed with red,
creating a stunning show. Clusters of
bright pink flowers with rose red sepals
above the foliage. Plant in partial sun to
full shade. About 16” tall. Zones 4-8.
Stock Available
19.00 19.0 USD
E. grandiflorum- 1st flush of small leaflets are numerous @ about 7” tall & edged w/ purple. 2nd flush of foliage
is approx 12” tall. Flowers are blue-lavender streaked in rose w/ angular white spurs streaked in lavender. Zones 4-9. Deciduous.
Stock Available
20.00 20.0 USD
Low growing, spreading mound of elongated, arrow shaped leaves mottled red in spring. Large lavender
mauve long spurs w/ white sepals. Plant in partial sun to nearly full shade. Height: 4”-6”. Zones 6-9. Evergreen.
Stock Available
16.00 16.0 USD
E. x youngianum -Small spring leaflets are showered w/ red speckles topped w/ very floriferous medium sized
light yellow flowers w/ short pink sepals. Re-blooms atop secondary flush of flecked leaves in fall. Height: 8”. Zones 5-9. Semi-evergreen.
Stock Available
19.00 19.0 USD
E. x - Dense mound of rounded leaves w/ bronze chocolate flecks in spring. Topped by many erect racemes
w/ lemon-yellow bells. Height 12” to 14”. Zones 5-9. Evergreen.
Stock Available
12.00 12.0 USD
E. versicolor -New foliage of pinkish maroon mottled leaves that age to glossy dark green in summer.
Soft pastel flowers have pink inner sepals with rose pink streaks & lemon yellow cups deepening to rose purple towards the spurs.
1st flush: 5”-6”. 2nd flush: 10” Zones 5-9. Drought tolerant. Semi-Evergreen.
Stock Available
10.00 10.0 USD
E. x youngianum -Spring leaflets are banded w/ rims of maroon-red. Adorable, long spured dark lavender-pink flowers
w/ white tips & white backs.. Height: 12”. Deciduous.
Stock Available
12.00 12.0 USD
E. grandiflorum -Spring foliage emerges dark purple, then lightens & expands to display bold 1/4” wide,
mahogany red edges. Very floriferous 10” tall stems covered w/ soft lavender sepals backing white petals w/ downward curving
spurs. Zones 4-9. Deciduous.
Stock Available
20.00 20.0 USD
Epimedium wushanense
Leaflets emerge bronze-red aging to glossy, shiny green with very long, narrow prominently spiny leaves; Wow! Long spured, pale yellow flowers in spring. Plant in partial sun to nearly full shade. 15” tall. Zones 5 to 9. Evergreen.
Stock Available
20.00 20.0 USD
E. Species. Nov.- Leaflets emerge brushed light chocolate aging to glossy green w/ very narrow, long
prominently spiny leaves, Floriferous spikes of long spurred, light yellow flowers in spring. Height: 8”. Zones 5 to 9. Evergreen.
Stock Available
15.00 15.0 USD
E. Sp. Nov.- Very large, corrugated leaves w/ prominent veins emerge slight red cast, aging to very glossy
green w/ long needle like spines around the heart shaped leaves. Vigorous grower. Large, spured, sulfur yellow flowers w/ light
green inner sepals in spring. Zones 5 to 9. Evergreen.
Stock Available
10.00 10.0 USD
E. alpinum -Dense, thick mound of dark green, serrated foliage. Excellent for ground cover & drought tolerant.
Small flowers have red sepals w/ creamy yellow spurs. Height: 6” to 8” Zones 5-9. Semi-Evergreen.
Stock Available
10.00 10.0 USD
E. sempervirens x E. x setosum- First flush of heart shaped leaves emerge 6” tall topped w/ attractive rich mid
pink flowers. Nice fall color. 2nd flush: 12” tall. Zones 5-9. Deciduous.
Stock Available
20.00 20.0 USD
E. wushenense -A spiny leaf form of E. Wushenense. Leaflets emerge bronze-red aging to glossy, shiny green
w/ very long, narrow prominently spiny leaves; Wow! Long spurred, pale yellow flowers in spring. 15” tall. Zones 5 to 9. Evergreen.
Stock Available
10.00 10.0 USD
E. youngianum- Leaves unfurl w/ a purple cast about 5” tall followed late season by rich, ruby-red flowers w/
a lighter pale rose to white spurs. 2nd Flush of leaves are approx. 14” tall. Zones 4-9. Deciduous.
Stock Available
18.00 18.0 USD
New foliage is a rich chestnut aging to bright burgundy mottled leaves w/ green veins w/
deepest colors towards the edges. Medium size lavender flowers have white spur tips. 1st flush: 9”. 2nd flush: 14” Zones
5-9. Semi-Evergreen.
Stock Available
16.00 16.0 USD
E. grandiflorum- First flush of foliage in early Spring is an attractive bronze color topped by loose sprays of flowers
that are dark rose with long white spurs. Height 8"-14" Zones 5-9. Deciduous.
Out of stock
12.00 12.0 USD
E. grandiflorum- Very large (6” long x 4” wide) heart shaped leaves forming a tight clump topped by brilliant, rose-red
flowers. Approx. 14” tall. Zones 4-9. Deciduous.
Stock Available