Ebony Spleenwort ~ Asplenium platyneuron
15.00 15.00 15.0 USD
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Wilson Wood Fern ~ Dryopteris wilsonii aka Arthropteris orientalis var. orientalis dryopteris
14.00 14.00 14.0 USD
Sea Spleenwort Fern ~ Asplenium marinum
14.00 14.00 14.0 USD
Sea Spleenwort is naturally occurring in cool, moist crevices and fissures in maritime cliffs and on a range of rocky substrates. This is often within range of sea-spray. It occasionally grows on walls in coastal areas and occasionally found on rocks or masonry inland from maritime climate. Zones 9-10. Evergreen
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Silver Saber Fern~ Polystichum xiphophyllum
14.00 14.00 14.0 USD
Symmetrical clump of dark green fronds are upright & stiff with attractive black veins; Makes a nice border or potted plant. Plant in afternoon to nearly full shade & well drained, moist soil. Zones 6 to 9. Height: 8”-12”. Evergreen.
Stock Available
Rigid Holly Fern ~ Polystichum rigens
12.00 12.00 12.0 USD
Dense, evergreen, triangular, leathery & stiff bipinnate, serrated fronds with pointed tips, emerge lime green but darken as they mature. Plant in moist, partial sun to nearly full shade. Mature size: 12"-16". Zones 5-9. Evergreen.
Stock Available
Chengdu Bamboo Fern ~ Coniogramme sp. Chengdu
24.00 24.00 24.0 USD
Hardy to at least 25 F.
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